(407) 557-0813
Preserved Plants

Preserved Plants for Vertical Garden

indoor vertical landscaping and its benefits

own process of dehydration and preservation of plants

mix of plants mounted on modular panels

ideal for indoor environments

always green environment without maintenance costs

do it yourself
easy & quick installation

shipment to the entire U.S.

Preserved Plants for Vertical Garden

new decorative trend for indoor environments

Handcrafted and practical. This garden made of preserved plants is built after a long process of handling natural plants that involves: cutting, dehydration, preservation, dyeing and assembly. It’s all about having nature close by, but without needing maintenance like watering and pruning. Perfect for indoor environments and made-to-measure. The installation of the panels is simple and can be done by the customer. It lasts more than 5 years.

Feel nature everywhere
Green solutions for indoor and outdoor spaces

Living Walls


Moss Walls